We Need Your Help

Every donation is a lifeline. Women and children trapped in abusive situations need a safe place to heal and rebuild their lives. Garden of Healing Foundation provides that sanctuary. Your generosity empowers survivors to break free from violence, become self-sufficient, and reclaim their future. Join us in making a difference today.

Our Mission

The Garden of Healing Foundation is committed to helping battered women rebuild their lives.  We are a safe haven for those who seek refuge from any form of emotional, physical, or sexual abuse.

Our Vision

Our vision at the Garden of Healing Foundation (GOHF) for battered women and children is not far-fetched. With purpose, and a lot of heart, our foundation will fulfill its goal to make an impact on the rising statistics caused by abuse and help formulate lasting solutions.

Every Dollar Matters. Break the Cycle of Abuse.

Make a difference in these women’s lives. We depend on donations from people like you to help these women get their lives back and move forward in the future.

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